Crime Novelist RJ Ellory Faked Book Reviews

Crime Novelist RJ Ellory Faked Book Reviews

A crime novelist has been caught red-handed giving his own books glowing reviews on Amazon, after a fellow author turned detective to expose him.

As well as heaping praise on his own novels, Roger Ellory, who writes as RJ Ellory, criticised rivals' books with scathing comments.

The 47-year-old described his own work, A Quiet Belief In Angels, as a "modern-masterpiece". The work sold more than a million copies after being included in the Richard and Judy Book Club list in 2008.

The review on Amazon reads: "All I will say is that there are paragraphs and chapters that just stopped me dead in my really is a magnificent book."


Posting reviews as Jelly Bean, the British author gave every one of his novels five stars.

At the same time, rival writers' works, including those by Mark Billingham and Stuart MacBride, were panned.

Mr Ellory was exposed on Twitter by spy writer Jeremy Duns.

Mr Duns said he discovered the "long, purple tributes" using a "bit of searching and detective work", after being contacted by another author.

He also claimed to have found evidence that another reviewer, Nicodemus Jones, was actually Mr Ellory after a post was accidently signed Roger.

Mr Ellory, who has written ten novels and lives in the West Midlands, has apologised for his actions.

"The recent reviews - both positive and negative - that have been posted on my amazon accounts are my responsibility and my responsibility alone," he said in a statement.


"I wholeheartedly regret the lapse of judgment that allowed personal opinions to be disseminated in this way and I would like to apologise to my readers and the writing community."

Mr Ellory won Crime Novel Of The Year in 2010 for A Simple Act of Violence.