Crunch Coventry council meeting as almost 1,000 locals sign petitions

The crunch meeting will discuss three petitions at Coventry Council House
-Credit:Tom Davis

A crunch Coventry council meeting where the voices of almost 1,000 locals are set to be discussed will be held. Petitions over charges at War Memorial Park, cuts to fly-tipping services and reducing funding to Grapevine form the agenda for a cabinet member meeting.

All three of the petitions, combined, have a total of 926 signatures. The largest number is for proposed charges at the War Memorial Park with 673 signatures submitted.

More than 600 locals want the council to make a U-turn on its plan to end three hours parking for free. The council revealed the proposal in its pre-budget plans at the end of last year.


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It is not the only budget proposal that locals want to see changed. Plans to cut spending on its cleansing services.

But campaigners fear this will turn the city into a 'dumping ground' and they launched a petition, which has 185 signatures. The third and final petition to be discussed is over proposals to cut the amount of funding given to Grapevine.

The charity helps young adults with disabilities in the city. It does not receive government funding and says the cut in council funding would have a huge impact. doesn't receive any Government funding.

A petition to stop the cut in funding has received 68 signatures. All of the lead petitioners for all three petitions, as well as councillors who have backed their campaigns, have been invited to the meeting with Cllr Patricia Hetherton, cabinet member for strategic finances and resources to discuss the petitions.

The meeting is being held on Monday, January 27.