Decision due on controversial plan for 21 homes on derelict nursery site
A decision is expected on a plan to demolish a derelict nursery and build 21 homes on the site. If approved, the homes would be built on land belonging to the former Smarties Day Nursery in Enderby.
The existing day care building on the site, described as “large” and “derelict” by applicant Morro Partnerships, would be demolished. All of the new homes would be classed as “affordable” housing, planning documents show.
There would be four one-bed maisonettes, 10 three-bed houses and seven two-bed houses. Access to the site would be via the existing entrance off West Street, with a new road created leading into the land. Original plans were for 22 homes, however these have been reworked.
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The application has proven unpopular with locals and was among the most objected to in the district last year, data sent to LeicestershireLive by Blaby District Council revealed. Some 23 objections were received by the local authority.
Concerns included congestion and increased traffic in the area, disruption to would-be neighbours during the construction phase, loss of trees under the scheme and limited capacity in local services such as doctors, schools and dental practices. However, despite these, planning officers have recommended councillors on the authority’s planning committee approve the plan when they meet this evening (Thursday, May 9).
Officers said the new use would result in fewer car journeys than if the site was still being used as a nursery and Leicestershire County Council as the highways authority has not objected to the scheme. Because of this, they said they could not refuse it based on traffic concerns.
They added some objectors had suggested an additional access be created off Salts Close and officers had discussed the possibility of this with the applicant. However, the land is not owned by the developer so this was deemed to not be possible.
Officers did accept there would be some disturbance to neighbours during the construction phase and said “further information and safeguards are needed to protect residential amenity” while the building work takes place.
They advised councillors to attach a condition to any approval of the scheme requiring a new construction management plan be submitted to and approved by the authority before work begins. However, officers added the disturbance would be “limited and short term” and is “something which all developments generate”.
Officers also said the positioning of some of the new homes could impact on the amenity of their future residents. Three of the homes would be built too close together which officers said “did not represent good design”. However, they felt this negative was outweighed by the benefits of the affordable housing scheme and the plan should not be rejected because of that issue alone.