Demolition of former RAF buildings could pave way for housing project

A decision is due next week on the demolition of former RAF buildings which could open the door for dozens of homes to be built. The site of the former Officer’s Mess of RAF Syerston, near Flintham, was later converted into an Islamic Institute boarding school.

The buildings have been derelict since the school closed in 2007, and have become a target for arson and vandalism. Rushcliffe Borough Council are seeking to demolish the buildings to free up the site for housing developments in the future.

The planning meeting on Thursday, September 12, will decide whether a full application needs to be submitted. The demolition is scheduled to be completed by the end of November, with rubble cleared as soon as possible.

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The site lies between the Flintham, housing on the existing airfield, and the A46 dual-carriageway. Flintham Parish Council support the demolition on the condition that it is made safe and secure, ensuring there are no trespassers.

The presence of bats was also holding up progress on the site, although a five metre tall bat barn has recently been built on the site to provide new roosts. Madni Trust, who ran the school and own the land, submitted plans for 114 homes earlier this year.

It contains two parcels of land, around the size of five football pitches in total, which are accessed by Inholms Road. This application will be determined by Rushcliffe Borough Council at a later date.

The trust was previously given permission for 95 homes on the land in 2016, although this has now expired. RAF Syerston opened in 1940, and was used to train crews for bombing runs during the Second World War.

It became a training base post-war, and is now how to the RAF Central Gliding School, which is used for training members of the Volunteer Gliding Squadron.