Details emerge for new £16m Nuneaton primary school
Details have emerged for a much-needed new primary school in Nuneaton. It has long been planned for the huge Callendar Farm development off Watling Street to play home to a primary school.
Now, according to a Warwickshire County Council report, the £16m school is set to be built and open by September next year. The urgency is down to a shortfall in reception class places in the area.
"It is proposed to provide a new 2FE primary school (420 places) with early years and resourced provision places on land safeguarded for primary education on the Callendar Farm development," the report explains. "The development of a new primary school in this location will improve accessibility to primary education provision from housing developments in this area of Nuneaton and increase the sufficiency of school places to limit the transportation of pupils to school places circa four to five miles away."
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The report explains that the new primary school will be open via the free school route, meaning the county council has the responsibility for its delivery and funding. But a MAT will be tasked with running it.
"As part of this process, a competition will be undertaken for Multi-Academy Trusts (MAT) to bid for the opportunity to operate the new school," the report details. adding: "A MAT needs to be in place by June 2025 therefore the presumption competition to select the sponsor Academy Trust will run for 10-12 weeks from Autumn 2024, with the successful Trust being appointed in Summer 2025."
But before this, the county has said that it has to demonstrate its capital commitment to the Department for Education (DfE). The report explains that, due to the tight timescale and growing costs, it needs to approve the plans now.
Its cabinet will meet on Thursday (September 5) where they will be asked to agree to allocate £16.5million for the project. The council itself will provide £11.158 million from its Education Capital Funding.
Developer Funding, which has been agreed and received, stands at £3.679 million while a further £1.663 million from the developer - which has been agreed upon but not yet received. If approved by the cabinet, the final decision has to be rubber-stamped at a full council meeting.