Disputed homes plan in Leicestershire countryside set for approval
A controversial plan for homes in the Leicestershire countryside is set for approval. Applicant Charles Jolley has submitted the plan for land south of Orchard Lea Close, Cooks Lane, in Sapcote.
The application is due to be discussed at Blaby District Council's planning committee tonight (Thursday, November 28). Ten objections have been raised against the scheme. The application is seeking outline permission for the development. Outline permission means a plan is agreed in principle, with the finer details to be worked out later.
One of the objectors, Sapcote Parish Council, said it was opposed to the scheme because it believed the development would "set a precedent". It also said the layout was "poor urban design practice" because "front elevations [...] face onto rear gardens".
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The application is for five self-build homes on land which is accessed via a long drive to the west of Orchard Lea Close from Cooks Lane. There are stables at the other end of the access drive, it states.
The parish council raised issues including the possibility of the new builds overlooking established homes, and increased noise and general disturbance from the new properties. It also said the existing access was too narrow for cars to pass each other, with the additional volume of traffic increasing the likelihood of vehicles performing reversing manoeuvres onto the public highway.
Documents state that a new house has also been granted planning permission adjacent to the stables in place of a former mobile home. There are also three new homes to the immediate east of the access road and three further new houses to the north of the access road accessed directly from Cooks Lane. In addition, there are two further new homes that are located at the end of the access road, they add. A further new residential development of seven homes has been built to the north of the proposed site.
The site is in one corner of a large, grassed field, bordered by the new housing and the access driveway, with open fields on the remaining three sides, according to planning documents. Ridge and furrow - a significant, historical aspect of landscapes - is present on the land, and there is a public right of way that runs adjacent to the access from Cooks Lane, around the stables and leading out of the village to the south, they add. Great crested newts, a protected species, are also present in the area.
The size of the homes is unknown at this stage. Documents note that each home has parking for at least three cars at the front.
Leicestershire County Council, as the local highways authority (LHA), previously requested further information on the planned access arrangements. It said: "Whilst access is not to be considered under this application, the principle of a safe and suitable access remains a material consideration. The existing access currently serves five homes which would double to 10 homes under the proposed development."
In June, the LHA raised an objection, saying the proposal had been amended to add a bin collection point on a public right of way, which it said was unacceptable. In October, it said it no longer had an objection as the bin collection point had been removed. It said the proposal was therefore "acceptable in highway safety terms".
BDC has recommended the plan for approval. A decision is expected to be made at tonight's planning committee meeting.
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