
Donald Trump takes a hard look at himself in new Simpsons sketch

The Simpsons have returned with another satirical look at the Trump administration - though this one involves some pretty major wishful thinking.

In "A Tale of Two Trumps", we see the 45th take a hard look in the mirror and reconsider (just a few) of his life choices. As White House staff members in huge numbers are being ejected through the "Recently Fired Key Personnel Exist", as Melania holes herself up in her room furiously highlighting sections of Fire and Fury, Trump sits surrounded by doom-heralding newspapers.

"Putin Names Self U.S. Secretary of State", "Kim Jong-Un to be on Next Apprentice", "Jared Loses Access to Ivanka", and "Trump Tweets Actual Fact By Mistake" number among the headlines.

Approaching the mirror, Trump tells himself: "I've got to be honest. For once in my life." After some struggling, he manages to spit out: "I’m not a hundred percent consistent.”

From there, it's like the breaking of a damn. "You cheat a golf. You cheat on your taxes. You cheat on your wives... you’ve been acting like a narcissistic sociopath and 64 percent to 67 percent of the people hate you!" he exclaims.

Unburdened of his guilt, Trump even sits down to phone Vladimir Putin, calling him a "tiny, bald fascist". Alas, it was all a dream.

And when Trump attempts to interpret what he just witnessed and "tweet what's deep in your heart", all he can manage is: "Alec Baldwin wears a hairpiece. Sad!"

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