Double stabbing sees man knifed in stomach and woman slashed to neck

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-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

A horror double stabbing has a left a man and a woman seriously hurt in hospital. Detectives have launched a probe after two people were left with 'life-threatening' injuries following a knife attack.

A 35-year-old man suffered a stab wound to his stomach, as well as a serious injury to his head. Just an hour later, a 33-year-old woman was stabbed in her neck.

Police have confirmed they are connecting the incidents but have insisted there is no wider threat to the public. Patrols have also been stepped up in the wake of the double stabbing, Humberside Police said.

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The force said cordons remain in place following the stabbings during the early hours of Saturday, January 25. Officers were initially called to reports a man had been stabbed shortly after 2am.


They were dispatched to the junction between Buckingham Street and Brecon Street, in Hull. The man was taken to hospital with life threatening injuries.

Shortly after 3am, officers received a further call to Rosmead Street. They received reports that a woman had also been stabbed.

She was also taken to hospital for treatment for her life threatening injuries. Detective Inspector Mark Skelton from the force's major crime team, said: "We believe these incidents to be connected and I would like to offer my reassurance that the individuals are believed to be known to each other.

"There is no wider risk to the public. Enquiries remain ongoing, including house to house enquiries, and trawling CCTV to establish the full circumstances and identify those involved.

"A 35-year-old man and 33-year-old woman remain in hospital for treatment to injuries which are thought to be life threatening at this time. Members of the public can expect to see an increase in police presence and there are multiple scene guards in place on Barnsley Street, Buckingham Street, and Rosmead Street as our investigation continues and crime scene investigators carry out their enquiries.


"I would encourage anyone with information or concerns, to please come and speak to us. If you believe you have any information or CCTV from the around the area, you can also call our non-emergency number 101 quoting crime reference 25*10826."

You can also report information anonymously via the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.