Drivers must now follow 'tougher' new traffic rules in 14 parts of England

Drivers must now follow 'tougher' new traffic rules in 14 parts of England
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Drivers have been warned of tougher traffic rules in January - after a council gains new powers. After Christmas, Buckinghamshire Police has launched 14 new enforcement cameras across the region as we head deeper into 2025.

These cameras are designed to curb moving traffic offences which cause problems on Buckinghamshire roads. Cameras are there to pick up examples of drivers ignoring no entry signs, making banned turns, entering yellow box junctions without a clear exit, or using bus lanes.

Drivers caught committing motoring offences may be fined by the council. Councillor Steven Broadbent said: All 14 of these new camera locations were nominated by residents and businesses as trouble spots or recognised as being areas of low compliance where motorists are more likely to break moving traffic restrictions. Installing these enforcement cameras will help reinforce the rules of the road, keep traffic moving and make all road users safer.”


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More details on the traffic restrictions and the council’s enforcement tactics can be found online. A list of roads affected can be found below after confirmation from the local authority

-Padbury – Lower Way – No entry into Lower Way

-Aylesbury – A41 Exchange Street – No right turn from the A41 Exchange Street (North East bound carriageway) into Waitrose Car Park

-Aylesbury – A41 Exchange Street – No right turn from the Exchange Street Car Park onto A41 Exchange Street (South West bound carriageway)

-Aylesbury – Oxford Road – Bus lane


-Aylesbury – Oxford Road – Yellow box junction

-Denham – Oxford Road – No right turn into Oxford Road

-Denham – A412 North Orbital – No right turn from North Orbital Road

-High Wycombe – A40 London Road – Bus lane

-High Wycombe – Oxford Road – Yellow box junction

-High Wycombe – Amersham Hill – Yellow box junction