Should drivers over 70 take an eye test every three years? Yahoo readers have their say
The government has no plans to change eyesight requirements for driving, but what do Yahoo readers think?
Yahoo UK's poll of the week lets you vote and indicate your strength of feeling on one of the week's hot topics. After the poll closes, we'll publish and analyse the results each Friday, giving readers the chance to see how polarising a topic has become and if their view chimes with other Yahoo UK readers.
Calls are being made for stricter eyesight requirements for driving licences, including mandatory eye tests for older drivers.
Adam Sampson, the head of the UK's Association of Optometrists, said over-70s should have to report their eyesight to authorities every three years to reduce the risk of accidents.
“That’s just because that’s the age when people’s eyesight commonly starts to deteriorate markedly,” he told the Telegraph.
“Then you’ve got to do it every three years. All you’d have to do is pop along to your opticians, get a sight test and get a certificate and bung it off to the DVLA."
Current rules require people aged 70 and over to renew their licence every three years, but this does not include eyesight requirements.
When approached by Yahoo News UK, the Department for Transport said: “The NHS recommends adults should have their eyes tested every two years, and while we do not have plans to change eyesight requirements for driving, we continue to explore ways to improve road safety.”
We asked readers if drivers over 70 should be made to take an eye test every three years. Here are the results:
It received 2,002 votes and showed 65% of Yahoo readers agree with Sampson.
Some 1,284 voters said they were for compulsory tests, with 594 saying they were against and 101 not leaning either way.
Two-thirds of Yahoo readers think motorists over the age of 70 should be made to have an eye test every three years
Readers were also asked to rate the idea of mandatory eyesight certificates for drivers over 70.
This poll received 937 votes with the most common vote being 10, with 410 selections, showing almost half of readers feel very strongly about it.
The average strength-of-feeling score on all the votes was 7.05.
45% of readers chose 10/10 when asked to rate the idea of compulsory eyesight certificates for over-70s
What Yahoo readers said:
'Not just over-70s': I believe they should have eye tests and refresher driving tests. [But] this is not only for the over-70s, I believe all drivers irrespective of age should be regularly checked throughout [their] driving lives. (Margot A, Lancashire)
'Discrimination': Should the discrimination of the elderly continue with eye testing? Can we have mandatory drug tests carried out on every driver within the three-year time scale?" (Billy H, Ayr)
'What parameters would be used?': Provided the eyesight test reflects accurately the ability to see well enough to DRIVE, that's fine. However, as a 76-year-old who increasingly has to use a magnifying glass for small print, but who still has excellent outdoor and distance vision, I am apprehensive about what sort of parameters they might set. (Roger S, Canterbury)
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