Driving expert shares big parking mistake Brits make that they should 'never do'

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When it comes to driving, parking is not something everyone finds easy.

For some, it can be a tough technique to crack, but more people may be making mistakes than we realise. According to viral driving instructor, Annie Winterburn, many people make a big error when it comes to parking.

The expert said a lot of people do something that they really shouldn't, and it's a mistake that needs to be avoided. The expert explained all in a recent TikTok video.

Annie said: "Stop putting your hazard warning lights on when you're parked somewhere you're not supposed to park, or to say thank you to somebody, or to say hello to somebody. Hazard warning lights should be used to warn people.


"So you can use them if you've broken down and you're causing an obstruction, or if you're driving on a motorway or a dual carriageway, and you can see the traffic ahead of you is slowing down rapidly.

"You can see all the brake lights come on, so you can put your hazard warning lights on for just couple of seconds to warn people behind you. Then they'll put theirs on while you put yours off."

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The video has been viewed hundreds of times since it was shared, and people were quick to comment. People's thoughts on the matter varied though.

One person said: "I think we are smart enough to know the difference between a thank you and a warning brake with the hazard lights on."


A second added: "What I hate is someone parked at the side." A third replied: "If I'm double parked I'm putting my hazards on because I'm causing an obstruction."

Meanwhile, a fourth commented: "If parking in the wrong place you are a hazard, so makes sense to me."

When should you use hazard warning lights?

Experts say you should use your hazard lights any time your car is stopped and is a potential hazard to other drivers. For example, if your car has broken down, if you're stopped for an emergency or if you've had to come to a halt due to an obstruction.

Hazard lights are used to alert other drivers to your presence, and let them know you're experiencing an emergency. People should not use use hazard lights if being towed unless other drivers need to be warned about something.

As well as this, you should not leave hazard lights on when you're parking.