Drunk party reveller causes chaos at Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebration
A heavily drunk reveller caused chaos at a party when he repeatedly attacked the host during a nasty series of assaults and hurled abuse at other guests.
Bad-tempered ex-fisherman Alex Palmer had been downing large amounts of vodka when he became aggressive and, at one point, he was so drunk that he staggered into a door with such force that he knocked it off its hinges. He later hurled racist abuse at a man who lived further down the street and who had tried to intervene when the disturbance continued outside. The man suffered a nasty fracture to his thumb when Palmer slammed a door on his hand, Hull Crown Court heard.
Palmer, 36, of Tedworth Road, off Holderness Road, east Hull, admitted affray and using racially aggravated threatening words or behaviour on June 3, 2022.
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Stephen Robinson, prosecuting, said that a man organised a party in Peel Street, off Spring Bank, Hull, partly to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of the then Queen. Among the guests was a neighbour, who brought her boyfriend, Palmer, with her.
"When the defendant first attended, he was sober but that didn't seem to last for long," said Mr Robinson. "He was drinking vodka with a mixer."
Palmer ended up sitting on a bed with the host's girlfriend and he started moving his hand down her back. "She distanced herself from that by getting up and sitting on the floor," said Mr Robinson.
"She was obviously upset about that. Shortly afterwards, Palmer passed out on the bed.
He and his girlfriend were extremely drunk and it was suggested that they should calm down and leave the party. "In response, the defendant became aggressive and he started bragging about doing mixed martial arts," said Mr Robinson.
"He was intoxicated, to the extent that he staggered into a door, knocking it off its hinges." Palmer started going downstairs but he suddenly grabbed the party host and tried to force him over the landing banister. Another woman intervened to stop him.
Palmer backed off and either threw himself down the stairs or fell down them. He grabbed hold of the party host's shirt and moved him towards the banister. The man was pulled over the banister and landed on his head, causing soreness.
Palmer smashed a bottle of vodka on the floor. He left the house but he grabbed hold of the party host again and pushed him in to some bins. "He was abusive towards everyone present really," said Mr Robinson. "He was extremely intoxicated."
Palmer grabbed hold of the man by his neck before walking from Peel Street to towards Spring Bank West, where a man inside his home heard loud noise.
The occupier opened his front door but Palmer swore and hurled racial abuse at him. Palmer grabbed the door and shut the man's left hand in it, causing a noise of cracking and leaving the victim's thumb misshapen.
The man left in a taxi to go to hospital. An X-ray revealed a fracture that needed an operation under anaesthetic.
The party host challenged Palmer about his "over-familiarity" with the host's girlfriend in the bedroom but Palmer made more threats and hurled more abuse. Palmer ran at the party host and tried to swing him around by his ear.
The man shoved him away with his open palms. The police had already been alerted and Palmer was arrested just after midnight on June 4, 2022. He was still aggressive.
"This was a sustained incident in and out of the house and there was some serious violence at times," said Mr Robinson.
The party host later said: "Alex has caused my family so much distress and alarm." The man felt that he had to leave Hull because of the aftermath of the incident.
Palmer had a conviction in November 2011 for assault causing actual bodily harm. He also had a caution in 2006 for assault.
Cathy Kioko-Gilligan, mitigating, said that the incident took place over about a period of an hour but violence was not used throughout it. Palmer made "wholly unpleasant comments" at times.
"The background to this incident was alcohol and it was such that the defendant was heavily in drink," said Miss Kioko-Gilligan. "The defendant is capable of staying out of trouble. His last offence before the courts was in 2011, so some time ago."
Unemployed Palmer had previously worked as a fisherman but he was unable to do so after suffering problems and it was "something he misses dearly". He had a stepson and a stepdaughter.
Deputy circuit judge Timothy Clayson told Palmer: "These are really, particularly the affray matter, serious offences. This is all about your reaction, when heavily intoxicated, to circumstances where you would have been better off just going home."
He said of the attacks on the party host: "This was an extended episode of violence where you kept on assaulting him in his own home. They had really serious effects on him and his partner and it's all down to you and your excessive drinking.
"You became aggressive quite early on. Ultimately, when a neighbour tried to help, you turned on him as well and caused him an injury by slamming his door on his thumb.
"You were still in an argumentative and aggressive mood even then." Palmer was given a 22-month suspended prison sentence, 20 days' rehabilitation and a five-year restraining order.
"Violence should have no part in your life," said the deputy circuit judge. "Any further offences will result in a lengthy prison sentence, it's as simple as that."