Drunk wrong-way driver was 'looking for a safer place to park'

One Way traffic sign against blue sky, UK - stock photo
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A drunk man drove his dad's Mercedes the wrong way down a Leicester city centre street. Mohmmed Ahmed was also not insured to drive the vehicle when he was spotted by police.

The 24-year-old was caught in the early hours of Christmas Day (Wednesday, December 25) driving the wrong way down Leicester's Horsefair Street towards Millstone Lane. He claimed he had only decided to move his father's car because the doors wouldn't lock after a night out drinking.

Despite having had alcohol, Ahmed drove the vehicle and was stopped by officers as he proceeded the wrong way down the street. When breathalysed, he blew an alcohol level of 57 microgrammes per 100ml of breath - the legal limit is 35 microgrammes.


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Ahmed was flagged down by police in Horsefair Street in Leicester city centre -Credit:Google

Outlining the case at Leicester Magistrates' Court on Thursday (January 16), prosecutor Sukhy Basi said: "At about 2am on Christmas Day police were in Horsefair Street in Leicester, which was busy. A silver Mercedes was seen driving the wrong way towards Millstone Lane and officers flagged it down.

"They spoke to the defendant. Unfortunately he didn't have inurance. The vehicle was seized and he was breathalysed, arrested and taken to the police station."

Anita Mehta, representing Ahmed, of Frensham Close, Oadby, said: "His car had been parked in the next street and his doors wouldn't lock properly. He turned into that street to leave the vehicle somewhere safer and he didn't know it was a one-way street."


She said Ahmed worked in a workshop with his father as a car engineer and that the loss of his licence would have a big impact on her client's work. She said Ahmed, who had only passed his test four months earlier, was insured on a number of cars and thought his father's Mercedes was one of them.

Ahmed, who pleaded guilty to having no insurance and drink driving, was banned from driving for 16 months. He was also fined £400 and ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £160 victim surcharge.