Dunmurry apartment blocks for elderly approved despite local objections
Three social housing residential apartment blocks for the elderly have been approved for the Dunmurry area of Belfast, despite a petition of local objections.
At the recent meeting of the monthly Belfast City Council Planning Committee at City Hall, elected representatives gave the green light to an application for new residential apartments at 141-147 Upper Dunmurry Lane, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17. The site is just south of Cloona Park.
The plan is for three residential apartment blocks of 21 units in total. 19 will be category one elderly apartments and two will be wheelchair apartments. There will be associated car parking, site works and landscaping. The developer is Sean Mooney, Farlstone Developments (Dunmurry) Ltd. and Connswater Homes Ltd. 105 Derrynoose Road Keady Armagh BT60.
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The application was deferred at the June Planning Committee to allow elected members a site visit. It took place in August 2024, where members discussed with officers the level of hard standing within the development, available amenity space for residents, bin storage location, boundary planting and the possibility of overlooking.
Council officers recommended the application for approval. There have been no objections from statutory bodies.
The council received 14 objections from the public, that is three comments posted on the Planning Portal and 11 petition letters.
The objectors raised concerns about overdevelopment of the area, loss of light, loss of privacy, air and noise pollution caused during the construction phase, displacement of wildlife, and de-valuation of property.
The council planning report on the application states: “The site is a suitable location for housing; the proposal would make effective use of previously developed land supporting social housing provision. The height, scale and massing of the proposed dwellings is considered in keeping with the wider character of the area.
“The proposal is for 21 apartments, 100 percent to be provided as Category 1 social housing. NIHE are supportive of the scheme and the proposed housing mix. It is acknowledged that the proposal does not create a mix of apartment sizes, however this is considered acceptable given the prevailing housing need in the area.”
It adds: “The proposal includes two wheelchair accessible units (9.5 percent) out of the overall provision of 21 apartments. It is acknowledged that the percentage of wheelchair accessible apartments falls marginally below the 10 percent as stipulated in the policy, however it is considered acceptable given the support for the scheme by NIHE.
“This proposal provides 240 square metres of communal open space, therefore above the minimum standards. The overall provision of amenity space (including landscaped areas) within the site measures approximately 650 square metres. Officers consider that the proposal provides adequate open space.”
The proposal includes the removal of 23 trees from the site to facilitate development, including provision of vehicular access. The application also includes the planting of 32 trees within and along the boundaries of the site.
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