DWP announces free £300 February half-term payments for UK households

As part of the Household Support Fund, which has been extended until the end of March by the Labour Party government, the DWP is handing local authorities a pot of cash to help hard-up families.
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The Department for Work and Pensions is handing out free £300 payments for February half-term. As part of the Household Support Fund, which has been extended until the end of March by the Labour Party government, the DWP is handing local authorities a pot of cash to help hard-up families.

Thousands of households will soon receive £300 payments through the government's Household Support Fund. The HSF helps with essential expenses like food, clothing, and utility bills during the cost-of-living crisis, the DWP has said.

Local councils are administering the scheme, and eligibility may vary by region. St Helens Borough Council in Merseyside isays low-income families can apply for assistance with fuel, food, utility debts, and other living costs.


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Pensioners who do not qualify for this year’s winter fuel payment but receive Housing Benefit or a Council Tax reduction will receive direct payments of £200, or £300 for those over 80. It said: "We are participating in two project to provide financial support to residents who are unable to afford to adequately heat their properties and who have acute respiratory conditions.

"Patients will be identified by NHS probationers who will offer a range of support. This includes a home visit from our Affordable Warmth team. A financial payment will be made following this visit." It will provide an application process for low-income households who require urgent help with fuel or food or other living expense, including utility arrears or need help towards the cost of buying or replacing furniture or white goods


In addition, the scheme will provide direct awards to families in receipt of means-tested free school meals during school holiday periods including qualifying children in nursery provision and to low-income households which are unable to afford to adequately heat or power their properties and who have medical conditions that may further exacerbate the situation, e.g. residents with serious respiratory conditions or who are permanently running medical equipment.

It will also help other low-income households which are ineligible to receive other cost-of-living support, as well as care leavers and other vulnerable groups.