DWP brings in big change for benefits claimants who receive letters

The partnership will see Restore responsible for DWP’s mail items and documents
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

The Department for Work and Pensions is introducing a big change for benefits claimants who receive letters. Restore Information Management has won a six-year contract with a value of up to £72 million to take over the management of the Department for Work and Pensions’ ( DWP ) inbound mail and document services, it has emerged.

The partnership will see Restore responsible for DWP’s mail items and documents. Post will be managed by Restore at a specialist facility, alongside the continuation of its existing records management services.

This award allows Restore to retain and expand its partnership with the largest Labour Party government department. The contract includes processing up to 25 million mail items per year, for both physical and digital items, which will include inbound mail, cheques, and email.


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Consolidating DWP’s mail management with Restore’s existing contract for records storage will drive efficiencies, innovation and enhanced digitisation. Secure destruction services will also be provided in line with the DWP retention policy.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is modernising how it receives and processes post. This has resulted in changes to jobcentre and benefit office postal addresses. If you need to contact your benefit office by post, the address to use will be on the letters you get about your benefit.


You can find other contact details for your benefit office, such as phone numbers, in guidance about the benefit. Nigel Dews, Managing Director at Restore Information Management, said: “Being awarded this contract is a tremendous opportunity for Restore. We are eager to deliver exceptional results and enhance our existing relationship with the Department for Work and Pensions.”

The partnership follows Restore retaining its responsibility and contract for HMRC’s inbound and outbound communications in 2023. Restore has been working with the DWP since June 2021, having won a tender for the on-site auditing of its inventory.