DWP introducing tough 'checks' for people on PIP with more details 'in due course'

MP Andrew Western has issurd an update ahead of strict and tough checks for those who claim DWP PIP.
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The Department for Work and Pensions has warned "more rigorous" checks are coming for people who claim Personal Independence Payment. Labour Party MP Andrew Western has issued an update ahead of strict and tough checks for those who claim DWP PIP.

Minister Andrew Western outlined new strategies being implemented to "prevent fraud entering the system based on the types of cases and trends we have seen". It includes "introducing more rigorous checks for customers changing personal details, including bank accounts".

Mr Western stated: "DWP is committed to tackling fraud and error in the benefits system and to the recovery of debts, including those generated by Personal Independent Payments. Working closely with counter fraud experts, the DWP has introduced measures to prevent fraud entering the system based on the types of cases and trends we have seen."


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The Minister went on to say: "DWP is delivering against key counter fraud activity, including investing in counter fraud professionals and building data analytical capabilities. The new Fraud, Error and Debt Bill will bring forward new measures to tackle fraud in the system.

"Details on the measures the Government will be legislating will be presented to Parliament in due course." The DWP will contact you in the last year of your PIP claim about review or renewal. Or you can ask to renew yourself in the last 6 months of your claim. You will need to complete another form and go to another medical assessment.


From December 2022, the DWP will automatically extend PIP claims that are about to end and haven't been reviewed. If your claim ends before December 2022, and you haven't heard from the DWP, you should contact them and ask for your claim to be extended.

Call the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to start your claim for PIP.