DWP ordered to 'urgently review' deductions after Universal Credit claimants lose £198
There are calls for the Department for Work and Pensions ( DWP ) to "urgently review" its direct payments system that's placing benefits claimants in financial difficulty. Clare Adamson MSP raised the matter in the Scottish Parliament on Monday.
Clare Adamson MSP has called on the DWP to review its processes. The MSP for Motherwell and Wishaw- said: “A number of my Motherwell and Wishaw constituents have been unfairly penalised by opaque and flawed DWP processes and errors in debt calculation.
“Some examples include errors with meter readings and faulty smart meters leading to financial difficulty when Universal Credit payments are deducted to pay energy companies directly. There seems to be a basic lack of oversight to ensure that the debts being paid via Universal Credit deductions are accurate.
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“People on low and insecure comes cannot afford these mistakes. Financial difficulties cause real problems for physical and mental health. Where is the safeguarding?” One resident had been paying £78 per month for electricity, but Scottish Power then increased his monthly payment demand to £198 per month which was directly deducted from the claimant’s Universal Credit four-weekly payments of £380.
She continued: “The Labour Government must urgently review the Direct Payment system because errors and unfair deductions are putting an enormous burden on my Motherwell and Wishaw constituents. When the DWP identifies an error, it should take immediate action to ensure vulnerable people are protected.
“The stigmatisation and discrimination of social security must end. People are reluctant to apply for their entitlements and suffer financial hardship as a result. And rising levels of in-work poverty are leaving people with little protection.
“In Scotland, under the SNP, we have built a social security system based upon the principles of fairness, dignity, and respect.“But we only have limited powers in this area and most of the social security system is still reserved to the UK Government.
“We need accuracy, fairness, and proper safeguarding for vulnerable claimants. Social security is a right and a basic safety net.”