DWP payment available for over 80s and could mean an extra £100 a week
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has unveiled new figures indicating that the State Pension is currently providing a regular financial income for 12.9 million elderly people across the nation. This payment is accessible to those who have reached the UK Government's eligible retirement age of 66 for both men and women, and have made at least 10 years' worth of National Insurance (NI) contributions.
However, individuals over 80 who either have no Basic State Pension income or receive less than £101.55 each week could be entitled to additional funds to help with daily living costs. The 'Over 80 Pension' currently provides older people with £101.55 each week if they are not receiving any Basic State Pension, or it tops up the difference to that amount.
Furthermore, low-income individuals over 80 may also be eligible for Pension Credit, which offers an average of £4,200 in extra financial support annually. Starting this year, the annual Winter Fuel Payment of £300 for those aged over 80 will only be given to individuals receiving income-related benefits such as Pension Credit, according to the Daily Record.
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Claiming the 'Over 80 Pension'. It's important to note that you cannot claim the 'Over 80 Pension' if you reached State Pension age on or after April 6, 2016 - if you have, you are eligible for the New State Pension.
According to guidance on GOV. UK, you can claim the over 80 pension if all of the following apply...
To be eligible for the over 80 pension, you must have been a resident in the UK for at least 10 years out of 20 (this does not need to be a consecutive 10-year period) - this 20-year period must include the day before you turned 80 or any day thereafter. You must have been 'ordinarily resident' in the UK, the Isle of Man or Gibraltar on your 80th birthday or the date you made the claim for this pension, if later.
Additionally, you must be 80 or over and either not receive Basic State Pension or your Basic State Pension is less than £101.55 a week. It's important to note that eligibility for the over 80 pension is not dependent on National Insurance contributions.
How to claim
To claim, you can obtain a form from either:
your local Jobcentre Plus
the Pension Service
The earliest you can claim is three months before your 80th birthday.
You can request a claim form from the Pension Service by dialling 0800 731 7898. Full details are available on GOV.UK. .
Who is eligible for Pension Credit?
Pension Credit comes in two forms: Guarantee Credit and Savings Credit. To qualify for Guarantee Pension Credit, you must be of State Pension age (currently 66).
Your weekly income should be less than the minimum amount the UK Government deems necessary for living. This minimum is set at £218.15 for single individuals and £332.95 for couples.
You have qualifying income of at least £189.80 a week for a single person and £301.22 a week for a couple
You reached State Pension age before April 6, 2016, or you have a partner who reached State Pension age before this date and was already receiving it
Guarantee Credit tops up your weekly income to a certain level. You might be eligible for more if you're disabled, a carer, or have certain housing costs.
Savings Credit can provide up to a certain amount. The exact amount you'll receive depends on your income and savings.
Any income from savings and capital over £10,000 is taken into account.
How to check your eligibility
You can check your eligibility for Pension Credit via the government's Pension Credit calculator here.
To use the calculator you'll need details concerning yourself and your partner if applicable when answering some questions included in the calculator:
Whether someone is paid Carer’s Allowance to look after you
How much you get each week from pensions - State Pension, private and work pensions
Where in the UK you live
How much you receive each week for any benefits you get
Your residential status
Any savings, investments or bonds you have
Whether you are registered blind
Which benefits you currently receive
Any employment earnings
Your date of birth
Once you've answered these questions, a summary screen displays your responses, allowing you to go back and alter any answers before submitting. The Pension Credit calculator then shows how much benefit you could receive each week.
How to apply
You can start applying for Pension Credit within the four months before you reach the State Pension age and any time after - in this case your claim could be backdated up to three months prior. You will also need the following information on hand before starting the application process:
Information regarding income, savings, and investments you may have as well as this information dating back to up to three months if you're backdating the claim.
Your National Insurance Number
Your bank details
You can apply online through GOV.UK here. Otherwise, you can apply by post by printing out and filling in the Pension Credit claim form and sending it to the DWP Pension Service or call the claim line to request a form.
Full details of the application process can be found here.