DWP PIP claimants can backdate other benefits and get thousands of pounds

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-Credit:(Image: Getty Images)

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit designed to help individuals over 16 and under State Pension age who are dealing with the extra daily costs of more than 530 health conditions or disabilities. These can be physical, sensory, mental, cognitive, or a combination.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) latest figures show that over 3.6 million people across Great Britain, including nearly 80,000 in Scotland, were receiving PIP as of the end of October 2024.

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Existing claimants will see their awards transitioned to the devolved system in the coming months. A successful PIP claim can now provide between £26.90 and £101.75 per week, offering financial support for daily living and mobility needs.

Furthermore, a PIP award could potentially open up access to means-tested benefits for claimants previously considered ineligible. According to the PIP Handbook, it might also be possible to backdate certain benefits to the start of their PIP award.

This is because PIP entitlement can act as a gateway to other benefits like Carer's Allowance and schemes sponsored by other departments, such as the Blue Badge.

The guidance has been updated to make clear that accessing several benefits and schemes often involves additional criteria. Nonetheless, there are routes to obtain some entitlements, like the Blue Badge scheme, without meeting specific Personal Independence Payment (PIP) rates.


The new instructions underscore: "For DWP benefits, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction, we share information to enable claimants to automatically access other disability benefits and services."

It also warns: "However, claimants should inform other benefit offices about their entitlement to make sure they're paid the correct amounts, particularly if there are any changes in their circumstances and awards."

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) reminds claimants that PIP award letters are typically necessary as evidence of entitlement in many instances. Furthermore, the guidance covers carer eligibility for Income Support, possibly during the 26-week assessment phase for PIP applications and potentially after PIP is granted.

The DWP suggests that individuals seek advice on any other potential benefits they may be entitled to. Even if you believe you don't qualify for these benefits, it's still important to check to ensure you're not overlooking any available support.

Those who have already applied for PIP or have general queries about their award and potential additional entitlements should contact the Disability Service Centre. They can offer advice or information regarding existing claims for PIP, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Attendance Allowance.