DWP says 10 benefits will be scrapped under Labour and explains which

DWP says 10 benefits will be scrapped under Labour and explains which
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

10 benefits being scrapped by the Department for Work and Pensions have been identified by the Labour Party government. Under managed migration, the DWP will move and transfer benefits claimants on legacy benefits onto Universal Credit.

Those behind scrapped include Tax Credits, only if you are below State Pension age, Tax Credits with Housing Benefit, Income Support (Income Support only, Income Support with tax credits, Income Support with Housing Benefit, Income Support with Housing Benefit and tax credits and Housing Benefit.

Income-related Employment Support Allowance (ESA), with Child Tax Credits, Tax credits (if you are of State Pension age and are asked to move to Pension Credit), Tax credits (if you are of State Pension age and are asked to move to Universal Credit) and Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) complete the list.


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Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) only and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) with Housing Benefit are also listed. Social security and disability minister Sir Stephen Timms has issued a sharp reminder not to delay transferring over. He said: "As we start the new year, families across the country are thinking about what's next."

"With this in mind, I encourage everyone who has received a migration notice to act as quickly as possible and move onto Universal Credit. We know how quickly time can pass when you're busy - and with just three months to go until Tax Credits close on the 5th of April - now is the time to respond to your Universal Credit migration notice to continue receiving benefits."

The DWP is working to send migration notices to all those claiming legacy benefits by the end of this year. This means hundreds of thousands of letters will be sent over the next 12 months. The benefits department is working to completely phase out all legacy benefits by the end of March 2026.