DWP sending 'every' state pensioner leaflet which could be worth £4,200

DWP will be sending out a leaflet to all 11 million state pensioners over the coming weeks as many could be missing out on Pension Credit.
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Every state pensioner is being handed a leaflet which could unlock a free £4,200. The DWP will be sending out a leaflet to all 11 million state pensioners over the coming weeks as many could be missing out on Pension Credit.

The DWP's Pension Credit is worth £3,900 - plus it serves as a gateway for the £300 Winter Fuel Allowance. Labour Party pensions minister Torsten Bell said: "Over the coming weeks, as part of the annual state pension uprating exercise, around 11 million pensioners will receive a leaflet promoting Pension Credit along with their state pension uprating letter."

The exact rules of who can get Pension Credit are complex, Money Saving Expert has explained. If you're single with total weekly income under £218 you're likely to get it. If you have a weekly income of under £235 then you may get it.


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If you're a couple, both of pension age, with total weekly income under £333 you're likely to get it. If you have a weekly income of under £350 then you may get it, Money Saving Expert says. There's a higher threshold if you claim certain disability benefits or have caring responsibilities.

"If this is you, it’s worth checking," MSE - which was founded by Martin Lewis - went on to say. Steven Cameron, pensions director at Aegon, said: "Rather than increases each year being the highest of earnings growth, inflation or 2.5%, some smoothing could be introduced over time. Pensioners would receive an inflation increase as a minimum, and if over the previous three years wage growth has on average been higher than inflation, they’d get an extra uplift.

"This avoids widely fluctuating outcomes at times when both inflation and earnings growth are unpredictable, smoothing things out but ensuring pensioners still share in sustained increases in the nation's wealth."