DWP stopping payments for 320,000 people who 'ignored orders'

DWP stopping payments for 320,000 people who 'ignored orders'
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

The Department for Work and Pensions is stopping payments for 320,000 people who "ignored instructions". The DWP has provided the latest statistics on the number of people who have been successfully moved across to Universal Credit, who had their benefits terminated and those that are still in progress.

People on six 'legacy benefits' are being told they have to migrate across to Universal Credit. The introduction of Universal Credit means Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, and Housing Benefit are being axed.

DWP data shows 875,000 people have successfully transitioned to Universal Credit, 318,000 had their benefits terminated when they disregarded instructions to switch, and 164,000 claims are still being processed, according to the figures.


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The majority of those whose claim was closed because they did not transition to Universal Credit were receiving both Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit (almost 220,000 claimants), while 64,000 were on Working Tax Credit only and another 23,000 solely receiving Child Tax Credit.

Ealing Council advises: "You and your partner (if you have one) will get a migration notice, which will be inviting you/your partner to apply for Universal Credit by a certain date which will be at least three months and one day after the migration notice.


"Apply for Universal Credit as soon as possible to help with your rent and avoid losing money. To qualify for any transitional protection please apply for universal credit within the timeframe mentioned above.

"This is to make sure you do not lose out on the ‘managed migration’ to Universal Credit." If you have any questions about the migration process or need more time, you should contact the Universal Credit helpline number on 0800 169 0328.

Universal Credit is paid directly into your bank, building society or credit union account. It will be paid once a month in arrears, and not weekly. If you do not have a bank account, you will need to set one up.