Earth could get a new ‘mega continent’ called Amasia as America and Asia join together

Picture Rex
Picture Rex

In the distant future, America and Asia will collide – forming a new ‘mega continent’ called Amasia.

Computer simulations from Yale University researchers suggest that the continent will form in the far future, around 250 million years from now.

The collision could see North and South America joining together – and the Arctic Ocean disappearing as Asia joins the Americas, all caused by Earth’s ‘tectonic plates’ moving.

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It’s not exactly clear how it will form – some geologists predict that the Pacific Plate will vanish under other plates in the future, leaving North America and Asia to merge.

‘Speculation about the future supercontinent Amasia is exactly that, speculation,’ says geologist Ross Mitchell of Curtin University in Perth, Australia.

‘But there’s hard science behind the conjecture. After those water bodies close, we’re on our way to the next supercontinent.

‘You’d have the Americas meeting Eurasia practically at the North Pole.

Earth previously had a ‘supercontinent’ called Pangaea, which is thought to have broken apart about 175 million years ago.