Edinburgh villa set to be demolished for row of houses despite 96 objections

The current property at 6 Cammo Road
-Credit: (Image: Savills)

Plans to demolish a 1930s villa on the outskirts of Edinburgh for a row of modern homes have been met with nearly 100 objections.

In March we reported how Cammo Estates Ltd submitted an application to Edinburgh Council for eight homes to be built on the site of the six-bedroom property at 6 Cammo Road.

It has been proposed that four buildings, making up eight semi-detached homes in total, would be built in its place with a contemporary design. They would be three-storeys high and will each have a private garage.

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The mansion consists of six bedrooms, a large garden with a tennis court, outbuildings including a sunroom, and a large garden storage.

The proposals immediately triggered dozens of objections from locals in the area, with 96 being submitted to the council to date. Next week, the plans are to be discussed during a detailed presentation with planners recommending the development go ahead.

A design statement submitted with the initial proposals claimed the house was "reaching the end of its useful life."

It stated: "The existing house on the site dates from the 1930s and is reaching the end of its useful life. There is a limited market for a for a house of this size with such extensive grounds. Due to its age, the property has poor insulation and air tightness levels and a low energy efficiency rating.

proposed development
The proposed development will deliver eight modern homes. -Credit:McLaren Murdoch & Hamilton

"Subdivision and extension of the existing property to create a flatted development was considered but the costs of upgrading the existing fabric to meet modern acoustic and energy efficiency standards were not economically viable.

"Demolition of the existing house will provide a brownfield site for redevelopment providing eight family homes and reducing the need for greenfield development."

However, reasons such as the development's visual impact, an increase in traffic and loss of trees have all been cited in objections attached to the application online.

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One letter to the council stated: "This development will cause noise and environmental pollution during the build. The access onto Cammo Road is directly opposite Cammo Gardens. This is already a difficult T-junction due to blocked sight lines caused by unrestricted parking. This will get worse with site vehicles."

A second local wrote: "The demolition of the house at 6 Cammo Road, in order to erect eight townhouses, would be detrimental to the area's appearance and would remove significant landscape features. There would also be an increase in traffic, noise and disturbance in the area."

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However, justifying their decision to recommend approval, council planners stated in the report: "The proposals will have due regard for the global climate and nature crisis, are acceptable in principle and are of an acceptable design. The proposals do not result in an unacceptable impact to neighbouring amenity or trees, and do not raise concerns regarding transportation, protected species or flooding.

"The proposals comply with the overall objectives of the Development Plan. No other material considerations identified outweigh this conclusion. It is therefore recommended that the application be granted."

Councillors will be presented with the application during the Development Management Sub Committee meeting on August 21.