Elon Musk’s Twitter ‘complete nonsense’, Tesla founder admits

South African-born billionaire takes to, naturally, Twitter to poke fun at himself

Elon Musk is no stranger to some weird Twitter ramblings, but now the Tesla founder has admitted his own posts are ‘complete nonsense’.

Taking to the social media platform, the South African-born billionaire posted: “My Twitter is pretty much complete nonsense at this point”

It follows on from a bizarre move by Musk on Twitter last week in which the tech maverick changed his profile picture to that of a large ram, while also putting his bio as ‘absolūt unit’.

Keen-eyed users noted the image had come from a tweet in April 2018 by The Museum of English Rural Life, with a caption “look at this absolute unit” accompanying the picture. Following Musk’s tweet, the obscure museum then used his face as its own profile picture before tweeting “two can play at this game”.

This is just one in a line of many bizarre Twitter moments from Musk. Just last month, he had tweeted a sole duck emoji — gathering over 180,000 likes as a result — while last October he decided to take on the popular video game ‘Fortnite’ too. He posted a screenshot of a mock news article titled ‘Elon Musk buys Fortnite and deletes it’, accompanying it with “had to be done ur [sic] welcome”.