Emergency unity rally to take place in Bristol city centre
An emergency unity rally will take place this Saturday (August 10) for those who wish to stand against violent attacks and racist incidents caused by far-right groups across the UK. The rally will take place at 1pm on College Green.
This weekend’s event is organised by Bristol Palestine Alliance (BPA) and supported by several other groups including Bristol Trade Council and Bristol Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers. The organisers are calling for all those in Bristol who oppose racism to join the peace gathering at College Green.
BPA, who has organised countless demonstrations in Bristol against the bombing of Gaza over the last eight months, is also calling for peace in Palestine and support for refugees fleeing wars across the globe. Speakers for the rally are yet to be confirmed and there are currently no plans to march through the city centre.
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A spokesperson from BPA said: “With the ongoing violent racist attacks and targeting of our refugee and Muslim communities over the last week, it's imperative that we show unity. That’s why we are calling on everyone from all faiths and communities to join the rally - regardless of colour, religion, gender, politics or sexuality.
"The rally on Saturday will be a welcome and safe opportunity for all of us horrified at the racist violence witnessed in Bristol and other towns and cities over the last few days, to come together to demonstrate our belief and commitment to a society based on equality, generosity and tolerance and where diversity is welcomed and valued and the weak & vulnerable protected & cared for.”