Emmerdale's Tracy Robinson left shocked by Caleb's wife twist

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Tracy Robinson has been left shocked and hurt by the return of Caleb Miligan's estranged wife in Emmerdale.

Her husband Nate has correctly guessed that Tracy has been having an affair with Caleb for weeks, though he was thrown off the scent by Ruby's shocking reappearance earlier this week.

This came after Tracy finally confessed to Caleb she wanted more than a fling with him, even telling him she was falling in love.

In Friday's (January 26) episode, Nate confided in Belle Dingle that he was "the one with the problem" for suspecting his wife could have been cheating.

nate robinson, emmerdale

"It's all in my head, thinking she was going to cheat on me because I cheated on her," he insisted.

Once Tracy arrived back from her 'overnight business trip', Nate confessed that he'd looked through her phone because he thought she was having an affair with his uncle.

"I realised there was nothing going on when I walked in on him getting it on with his wife," Nate told a stunned Tracy.

Tracy could hardly process the news that Caleb's wife was back in the picture, as an unsuspecting Nate pulled her in for a hug.

"I should have trusted you," he told her.

Over at Mill Cottage, Caleb was having second thoughts about his fling with Ruby and told her it might be best for her to leave town.

"I'm here to see Nicky, or at least I was until you got me all distracted," she said, with Caleb replying: "That was a mistake."

beth cordingly and will ash as ruby and caleb in emmerdale

Ruby pointed out that she is technically still Caleb's wife so the Mill Cottage should be considered her home too, even though they are planning to divorce.

Once Ruby was out of earshot, Nicky warned his father that his romantic entanglements would "only end one way" unless he cut things off with Tracy.

"Me and Tracy are done," Caleb assured his son.

Tracy fished for information about Ruby, yet reeled as Nate explained she was nearly undressed when he barged into the Mill.

It wasn't long before Tracy and Ruby had an awkward first meeting, where Ruby insisted she join them for a gathering of the Dingle family.

Caleb grabbed a moment alone with Tracy to promise her he had no idea his wife would be visiting.

"It's not what you think it is," Caleb assured her, with Tracy snapping back: "It's exactly what I think it is."

caleb miligan, tracy robinson, emmerdale

Caleb pointed out the hypocrisy in Tracy's jealousy since he'd had to watch her "fawn over" Nate in front of him for weeks.

"Me and you are done," Tracy declared.

Is it really over for Caleb and Tracy?

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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