Exasperated man strolls past bomb squad to empty suspicious package before being rugby-tackled by FBI

A man apparently exasperated by police officers’ decision to place a wide cordon around a suspicious package was bundled to the ground when he breezed right through it and tipped out the bag’s contents.

The cyclist bypassed bright yellow police tape during a tense investigation by Milwaukee police and was promptly tackled by several officers, footage shows.

The drama took place at an intersection on Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Milwaukee on Monday, reports said.

Police had been called to the suspicious package placed on top of an electrical box shortly before 7am.

In a video the man can be seen jumping off his bike next to the bag – which local media reported had only moments earlier been moved by an official in protective armour – before picking it up and pulling out various items.

Inside the black backpack appeared to be a water bottle, clothing, a padded mat and smaller items like pens and a notepad.

The cyclist, dressed in a black hat, black jacket and grey trousers, is seen to slam the bag back down in apparent disgust before throwing his arms in the air.

Three officials then appear and tackle him to the ground from behind. One of them, a uniformed police officer, quickly draws a set of handcuffs from his belt.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that it was FBI staff who tackled and arrested the man in conjunction with the police.

Local media said police had not released further information about the incident. None appeared on Milwaukee Police’s Twitter or Facebook accounts, or was posted on its website.