Expert gardener on the must-have colours that should feature in your garden

Bee on purple flower
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Gardening enthusiasts aiming to cultivate a flourishing garden should focus on attracting bees and other pollinators, which are crucial for plant health. TikTok gardening influencer Glen, known as Grow Den with Glen, has offered tips on the best coloured plants to attract these essential insects, reports Devon Live..

He said: "Many insects on the UV colour scale can easily see purples, reds, pinks, greens and blues. This is why you'll see so many of these coloured plants with loads of pollinating insects such as bees."

"These colours are extremely important and can really help the bees and butterflies focus on the pollinating coloured plants," he added.

Glen also highlighted the importance of white plants for nocturnal pollinators like moths, stating: "Don't forget at night time where you've got other pollinators such as moths, they love to land on white plants. This helps nocturnal insects to be able to identify the plants from a distance."

He further advised: "It's a great idea to get a real mix in your garden to make a bee highway, this will really help pollination in your garden alone and will also help the pollination and real success of your fruits such as apples and even things like plums," as reported by the Mirror.

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For those looking to create a haven for pollinators, Friends of the Earth recommends planting a variety of bee-friendly flora such as vibrant lavender, monarda (bee balm), perennial wallflower, and chives to ensure year-round attraction.

Other plants that may not be as colourful but can still attract pollinators to your garden include sage, apple and crabapples, ivy, and snowdrops.

In addition to apples, other fruits such as strawberries and raspberries are also beneficial, along with vegetables like kale and broad beans.