Expert says gardeners need to do £1 patio job to stop £1,000 damage now


With the big melt about to get under way, experts have said people might need to venture forth to do some work on their patios - to stop themselves having to spend thousands later. Consistent rainfall can cause weeds and moss to grow in between the stones, creating a slippery surface or disrupting the stones and making them uneven.

As the cost of a driveway alone can be between £1,000-£9,000, protecting both patio and driveway can be a huge money saver this winter. Armstrong Cheshire supplies said that people can use a simple and very cheap ingredient available in any supermarket to make sure this doesn't happen, with it costing only about £1.

Simon Wardle, paving expert and owner of Armstrong Cheshire patio supplies, said: “Keeping on top of the maintenance of your paving is key to preventing any irreversible damage creeping in with the colder weather. By using one simple supermarket ingredient, you could save you £1000s in unnecessary paving replacements and even prevent any accidents from mossy paving slabs.”


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Regular cleaning

Sweeping up fallen leaves and simply cleaning up the paving slabs can protect the sealant while making them safer and less slippery, preventing moss growth in the first place.

Mix boiling water and a good amount of dish soap together

Pour this solution on the moss and mould, allowing it to sit for a short amount of time to loosen and kill the greenery

Remove moss or mould

Leaving any weeds that sprout between the slabs can lead to them rotting and becoming slippery, alongside any moss that may appear.

Scrub your paving

Using a hard-bristled outdoor brush, the hot water and dish soap should kill the moss and make it easier to scrub off. You may need to use a smaller brush for particularly tight cracks.


Re-seal when necessary

Maintaining the sealant on your paving slabs is essential to prevent any moss or mould from entering them and causing damage that cannot be undone. This should typically be done every 3 years but depending on the weather it may need to be more frequently for protection.