Expert warns of 'dangerous' TikTok trend dominating For You Page
A fitness coach has issued a warning about a TikTok trend dominating the For You Page. Every year, there is a surge in videos created about the 75-Day challenge.
The mental toughness programme, created by Andy Frisella, essentially consists of a set of rules that participants must follow consecutively for just over two months to build discipline and resilience. It includes everything from exercise and diet to reading and selfies.
Although it can be started anytime throughout the year, many start the challenge in January as part of their New Year resolutions. The challenge is designed to push you out of your comfort zone and help you develop a stronger mindset, according to Andy.
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If at any time the rules have been failed, it is proposed that you must restart from day one again - with Andy saying, “zero compromise, zero substitution”. Other variants of the challenge, including a ‘soft and medium’ version, have been created.
However, Donna Callander has previously spoken out about TikTok fitness trends, empathising with the role of influencers in influencing and selling.
She said: “The positive here (with the 75 Day Challenge) is that it takes around 21 days to build a habit, so in theory, you could then pick up some positive habits here and it mixes health, exercise, growth and mindfulness.
“However, what is the end goal? What is the diet? How do people choose it? That is a dangerous road as people are choosing something to alter their food or their exercise regime based on social media as opposed to whether it is right for them.”
Main components of 75 Day Challenge
Follow a Diet
You must stick to a specific diet plan that you choose, with no cheat meals or alcohol allowed.
Exercise Twice a Day
You need to complete two workouts each day, with at least one of them being outdoors. Each workout should be at least 45 minutes long.
Drink Water
You must drink a gallon of water every day.
You need to read at least 10 pages of a non-fiction book each day to promote personal development.
Progress Picture
You must take a daily progress photo to track your physical changes.