'Extensive repairs, or even full replacement' expected for Longlands Road overbridge

The bridge on Longlands Road, overlooking the train track
-Credit:Google Maps

A bridge in Middlesbrough is likely to require ‘extensive repairs, or even full replacement’, councillors are to be told.

An executive report that will be presented to a full meeting of Middlesbrough Council, on Wednesday January 15, has outlined the probable outcome for a bridge on Longlands Road, the A1085, that goes over the train track near the Longlands roundabout.

The A1085 is a busy road that crosses train track between Middlesbrough and James Cook train stations on the approach to the Longlands roundabout, which allows drivers to head towards either central Middlesbrough, or Marton and other areas in the south of the town.


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Councillor Peter Gavigan, executive member for environment and sustainability, will take questions on his report, which includes updates on the general bridge inspections of 169 structures across the wider town.

There is a specific update on the bridge section of Longlands Road that crosses the train track. It said: “The bridge is the subject of a full structural and principal inspection which was due to take place on December 8, 2024, with the report due in early 2025. The inspection has been delayed due to Network Rail withdrawing their availability – a further inspection is being booked in for January 2025.

"It is expected that extensive repairs, or even full replacement, will be required. A design, principal designer, approval in principle and technical approval phase will follow in 2025-26. The major works are likely to be programmed for 2026/27 subject to the necessary funding being in place.” No indication of cost was outlined in the report.

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