Families' fury as 'eyesore' Stoke-on-Trent phone mast now 10ft taller

Lawrence Soleimani, aged 44, of Derek Drive, Birches Head, is angry that a phone mast has been extended.
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

Families are furious after a phone mast became 10-foot taller - and there's nothing they can do about it. Residents in Derek Drive, Birches Head, have labelled the mast an 'eyesore'.

It comes after families failed to stop the initial phone mast being installed back in 1997. It is on the site of Severn Trent Water's covered reservoir.

Lawrence Soleimani, aged 44, has grown trees and bushes at the back of his house to act as a barrier from the 'eyesore'.

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He said: "They have put another 10 feet on top. They could have put it in a different location, not so close to houses. You do not know what health issues it could cause. More than 20 years ago everybody objected, yet they still put it up. This time there was no consultation."

Neighbour John Simpson, aged 74, said: "It is ridiculous. Years ago we got a petition up because they put the mast up.

"All we can see when we go outside our homes is the top of the mast. I am not happy. There was no consultation. I saw the cranes. I did not know what they were going to do. I do not mind it at a low level but when they are going higher and higher it is a concern.

"People are just doing what they want to do. They do not consult anybody. There was nothing through the letterbox."

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