Feed the world: Experts call for vegetable-rich diet to boost health and end hunger

The report recommends a diet rich in green and orange vegetables - Copyright ©Heathcliff O'Malley , All Rights Reserved, not to be published in any format without pri
The report recommends a diet rich in green and orange vegetables - Copyright ©Heathcliff O'Malley , All Rights Reserved, not to be published in any format without pri

People around the world need to radically change their diets to safeguard the planet and ensure that there is enough food to feed the world's booming population.

A report by the Lancet medical journal has called for a “Great Food Transformation” to heal the world’s “faulty food system” which sees nearly one billion people go hungry, almost two billion eat too much of the wrong type of food, and which puts unsustainable pressure on the planet.

The report, put together by 37 experts in the fields of health, agriculture and the environment from 16 countries, calls for a 50 per cent global reduction in the consumption of unhealthy food such as red meat and sugar.

And it urges a more than 100 per cent increase in the consumption of healthy food such as nuts, fruits and vegetables.

It projects that these changes will avert up to 11.6 million deaths a year, a reduction of about 23 per cent, as well as providing enough food to feed the world population, which is projected to grow to 10 billion by 2050.

The changes people would have to make to their diets depends where they live. For example, people in the United States and Canada eat almost six and a half times the recommended amount of red meat, while people in South Asia eat only half the recommended amount.

People in all countries around the world are eating more starchy vegetables (such as potatoes and cassava) than recommended, with intakes ranging from between one and a half times above recommended levels in South Asia and by seven and a half times in sub-Saharan Africa.

Based on a dietary intake of 2,500 calories a day the Lancet recommends that adults eat no more than 14 grams of red meat a day - equivalent to one rasher of bacon. They are allowed more chicken (up to 58g a day), as well as fish and seafood (up to 100g). It also recommends up to 100g a day of dairy, such as cheese and whole milk.

Adults should also eat around 300g of fresh vegetables a day, which should include equal amounts of green, leafy vegetables such as cabbage, red and orange vegetables such as carrots and tomatoes and other vegetables.

In terms of carbohydrates the diet should be made up of more whole grains such as brown rice – up to 232g a day – and fewer starchy vegetables such as potato, up to 39g. The diet does allow added sugars but just 31g a day.

Anyone changing to this diet would see an increase in their intake of most nutrients – as well as boosting consumption of healthy mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids and reducing consumption of unhealthy saturated fats.

The diet also has the right amounts of essential micronutrients, such as iron, zinc, folate and vitamin A, as well as calcium.

The consumption of meat is increasingly implicated in climate change with a report last year urging people to give up red meat completely to save the planet.

Food production is responsible for up to 30 per cent of greenhouse-gas emissions and 70 per cent of freshwater use, the report highlights. And agriculture occupies up to 40 per cent of global land.

The report acknowledges that a complete overhaul of the global food system would be tough and would require international cooperation, particularly on the use of land and oceans.

For example, there should be no further expansion of agricultural land into natural ecosystems and forests.

But the authors also say that for the new diet to be a success healthy food must be affordable and easily available.

One of the report authors Tim Lang, professor of food policy at City, University of London, said: “We need a significant overhaul, changing the global food system on a scale not seen before in ways appropriate to each country’s circumstances.

“While this is uncharted policy territory and these problems are not easily fixed, this goal is within reach and there are opportunities to adapt international, local and business policies.

“The scientific targets we have devised for a healthy, sustainable diet are an important foundation which will underpin and drive this change.”

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