'It feels like you're fighting a losing battle... nothing ever changes'

Market Place in Stockport
-Credit: (Image: Manchester Evening News)

The people of Stockport may vary in their political opinions but the one thing they do agree on is clear to see – crime levels need to drop.

Standing next to a vandalised Barclays bank, locals in the Greater Manchester town voiced their opinions about the upcoming general election and the issues that affect them.

Crime levels, combined with immigration and the cost-of-living crisis, created a consensus that the people in Stockport are desperate for improvements.

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Nathan Dean, 25, said the main issue he has is the lack of deterrents for crime, claiming that he always sees the same shoplifters reoffending even after being convicted.

He said: “It feels like you’re fighting a losing battle, nothing ever changes.”

Nicki Barns, a 48-year-old business owner, agreed and said the main issue that will affect the way she votes on July 4 will be her need for a crime system that is ‘stronger and tougher’.

She said: “The lack of punishment in the system, it’s too easy now.”

When asked about her opinions on the main political party leaders, Barns labelled both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer ‘untrustworthy’.

Mike Barraclough, from Brinnington, said he wants to see more police in the area, stating that the anti-social behaviour needs sorting out.

He said: “It's just ridiculous, you get all the bikes flying up and down, somebody’s going to get killed and that’s the last thing we want.”

“Definitely immigration without a doubt,” said David Pimlott, 82, when asked about his main political issues.

He added: “And the cost of living, but it is easing now hopefully. It will improve rapidly, fingers crossed.”

This is part of a nationwide vox pop project called ‘5000 voices’, where we are aiming to hear 5000 people talk about the issues that will affect them in the 2024 General Election.

Reporters from the Manchester Evening News will be travelling around Greater Manchester to hear from the people about what really matters to them.

You can watch the full answers and questions from the media above.

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