The Finnish President Looking 'Finished' With Trump Is Twitter's Newest Meme

Finnish President Sauli Niinistö was giving off “send help” energy during a joint news conference with President Donald Trump on Wednesday.

During what seemed to be an extended tirade, the president fired off an extensive tweetstorm before the meeting, then gave 17 minutes of monologues to reporters in an Oval Office meeting while Finland’s president sat quietly. Trump then ranted at reporters at a joint White House news conference, including telling one reporter not to be “rude” when the journalist asked for an answer to his question.

The Finnish president was cool and collected throughout, seeming at times a bit keen for it all to be over:

At the beginning of the joint news conference, when Trump made a joke about “all the press that you attract,” Niinistö was quick to reply: “They are not after me.”


And at one point, the Finnish president can be heard laughing at the moment some have called the pinnacle of the meltdown ― when Trump, growing increasingly agitated, refused to answer Reuters White House reporter Jeff Mason’s question and demanded that he ask Niinistö a question instead:

The Oval Office meeting and White House news conference were both so jam-packed with stunning moments that Twitter, of course, erupted into an enormous meme-fest, with #TrumpMeltdown trending at No. 1 for some time.

Check out some of the best below:

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.