Flood-hit Audi stolen from North Staffordshire layby

-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited
-Credit:Reach Publishing Services Limited

A car left in a layby after being damaged by floodwater has been stolen. The Audi A3 had been parked in the layby in Bottomhouse.

But Staffordshire Police says the blue car was then taken - while the owner was waiting for it to be recovered. The force says the vehicle had broken down after passing through floodwater in the Moorlands.

That came last week where heavy snow on the Sunday (January 5) was then followed up with bouts of heavy rain - and then more snow.

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PCSO Rebecca Gorman, of the Staffordshire Moorlands Local Policing Team, said: "The vehicle had been left in the layby by the owner awaiting recovery following breaking down in floodwater. It is believed that the Audi was taken during the evening of January 6 after 5pm. Police are appealing for any witnesses, or the known whereabouts of the vehicle, and please make contact with Staffordshire Police."

Witnesses should call 101 and quote incident 450 of January 9.

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