17 Signs From The Past Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Forgot How To Breathe

Another seven days of 2024 has passed us by, so let's cope with that by taking a gander at the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:

1."Please, no rush."

Roadside sign reads: "Welcome to ALSTON. Please drive slowly," with the letter "r" in "drive" obscured, humorously changing "drive" to "die."

2."That's one huge dog."

A moose stands inside a fenced yard next to a "BEWARE of DOG" sign, which is partially obscured by a pole. Leaves are scattered on the ground

3."We live in strange times!"

A bookstore sign reads: "Please note: The post-apocalyptical fiction section has been moved to Current Affairs." Books are displayed below the sign

4."Garbage only, no trash."

A sign on a tiled wall reads, "Trash Only No Garbage."

5."Strong promises being made here, lol."

Exterior of a small store named "BJ's on the Beach," offering beach goods, takeaway food, and drinks. Signage includes images of ice cream and slush drinks

6."I’ll do it now, in a minute…"

Sign in front of a library display reads, "Please be patient. Our display on procrastination will be up soon."

7."Naughty escalator."

Sign near an escalator reads: "This escalator is refusing to escalate. This has been escalated to the engineer who is on their way up (or down) to check it out. PLEASE USE THE LIFT."

8."Do you want to buy?"

A sign with "Fresh ❤ Vaggies" written on it at a roadside location, surrounded by greenery and trees

9."Oh, well, of course!"

A handwritten sign on a door reads: "NO Solicitation!!! except Tamale Lady."

10."1, yes. 4, no. Got it!"

Sign with five pictograms showing correct and incorrect actions. Proper feeding method has a check mark. Four other methods, with skull and crossbones, indicate danger

11."Help is on its way."

Emergency telephone with a sign instructing to dial 999 for Coastguard, Police, Fire, or Ambulance. The phone has labeled buttons 1, 2, and 3

12."Classic, lmao."

Person holding a container of brownies next to a warning sign that reads: "These Brownies are for Shits and Giggles. Some have Laxative. Some have Pot. Eat one. Give it 30 minutes. You'll know which is which."

13."The eyes were so unnecessary."

Sign with a figure warning, "Danger! Deep Mud Keep Out" against a rural background with tall grass and a tree

14."What caused this to be put in place?"

A pair of grey elevator doors with a sign showing a car symbol inside a red circle with a diagonal line through it, indicating no vehicles allowed

15."My three states."

Store shelf with customizable letter signs displaying the phrases "SEND NUDES", "HAIL SATAN", and "DESPACITO". Blank section for custom message

16."Carry your beer responsibly."

Sign on a store beer cooler warns: "You wouldn't carry a baby with one hand, would you? Why treat your beer any differently?" and advises customers to buy dropped beer

17."It's okay to say no."

Large billboard reads, "It's OK to say 'NO' to pineapple on pizza!" with text "Coalition for Marriage Claude" and a background of an overcast sky and wooden fence

Don't miss last week's funniest signs:

Forgive Me, I'm Still Laughing At The 17 Funniest Signs Of The Week