17 Signs From The Past Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Forgot How To Breathe
Another seven days of 2024 has passed us by, so let's cope with that by taking a gander at the funniest signs of the week, courtesy of r/funnysigns:
1."Please, no rush."
2."That's one huge dog."
3."We live in strange times!"
4."Garbage only, no trash."
5."Strong promises being made here, lol."
6."I’ll do it now, in a minute…"
7."Naughty escalator."
8."Do you want to buy?"
9."Oh, well, of course!"
10."1, yes. 4, no. Got it!"
11."Help is on its way."
12."Classic, lmao."
13."The eyes were so unnecessary."
14."What caused this to be put in place?"
15."My three states."
16."Carry your beer responsibly."
17."It's okay to say no."
Don't miss last week's funniest signs:
Forgive Me, I'm Still Laughing At The 17 Funniest Signs Of The Week