Friends Call World's Tallest Teen a 'Gentle Giant' - and He Can't Stop Growing

Standing at 7-feet-8-inches tall, this Michigan teen may be intimidating to some, but family and friends know him as a gentle giant.

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Broc Brown, 19, was once named the world's tallest teenager, but now that he's too old for the 18-and-under category, he's giving the world's tallest man, at 8 feet, 2 inches tall, a run for his money.

That's because Broc has already outgrown all the furniture and clothes he can buy from a store, and he's still growing.

"Broc was around 5 feet, 2 inches tall when he was in kindergarten," his mom, Darci said in an interview with Barcroft Media. "When he got to middle school, he was around 6 feet tall, and by high school, he was 7 feet tall. He could easily grow six inches in a year."

According to Barcroft Media, Broc was diagnosed with Sotos Syndrome, also known as gigantism.

"It’s a genetic disorder and there’s nothing that can stop him from growing," Darci said. "I don’t know if he will ever stop."

Because of his size, everything Broc wears is custom made, including his shoes, which are a size 28, and his socks, that cost $18 a pair.

He even needs specially made furniture, including an 8 foot long bed, and a custom chair that cost the family $1,000.

His mom explained that while the family struggled to afford everything Broc needed, "The community got together and helped us out."

Broc's other health problems, however, are harder to address.

The "gentle giant," as he's been dubbed by his family, suffers from chronic pain that he said feels like a tennis racket shot through his back.

"I do stuff to stop it hurting and it makes me feel like there’s a needle gone through it — it’s hard to deal with," Broc said. "I just wish doctors could do something to help."

He has also been diagnosed with ADHD, and intermittent explosive disorder.

"When he gets mad, he’s mad," his mom said. "It wouldn’t take him two seconds to pop a hole in the wall."

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But, doctors determined that Broc would live a long and healthy life, despite being diagnosed with a shortened lifespan when he was younger.

"It’s the best thing I could have heard," he said.

Broc is now looking into a future in sporting goods, but his mom said, "I just hope he has a good life and is happy with everything he ever does."

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