Glasgow city council to get cash gift from mystery private donor

Glasgow City Council headquarters, George Square.

A mystery organisation wants to donate money to cash strapped Glasgow City Council.

Officials want to keep the details of the private donation secret from the public as they point out that "Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person" is exempt.

No information has been made public about the size of the donation, who it is being made by or what it would be used for.

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The local authority has faced huge funding gaps over recent years with officials having to make cuts and savings to find money to balance the books and deliver essential services.

And with the council facing rising costs to deliver services - a donation of cash would no doubt be welcome.

On Thursday a private report will go in front of councillors in the chambers where the details of the donation will be revealed as negotiations are taking place.

It is recommended that the press and the public will not be allowed into the City Administration Committee while the report is being presented. But councillors have the option to give them access and reject that recommendation.

A council report outlining the move to exclude the public said members will be advised "of current commercial negotiations relating to a proposed donation to the Council and that the matter should be considered by committee in private."


The report added: "The community empowerment team within the chief executive’s department have been in negotiations with an external organisation regarding a possible donation to the council."

Among details being kept under wraps so far are how much the proposed donation would be and what the money would be used for.

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