Glasgow to provide free school meals for children from struggling families

school meals

Primary 6 and 7 pupils in Glasgow whose parents receive the Scottish Child Payment will benefit from free school meals from next month.

The city council confirmed it still intended to offer free school meals to low income families in line with Scottish Government guidance and will advise parents and carers on the application process in due course.

Free school meals have been operating in all Glasgow schools for children in p1-p5 and for all primary school children as well as standalone Additional Support Needs provision since January 2022.

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In 2023/24 the Scottish Government announced that it would be rolling out free school meals for those children whose families are in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment and has already provided the city council with just over £5.3m to make improvements to schools to prepare for more students becoming eligible for free meals.

The Scottish Child Payment is a weekly payment of £26.70 that parents/carers can get for every child they look after who's under 16 years of age.

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The payment is made every 4 weeks and is paid to those who live in Scotland and the parent/carer or their partner are in receipt of certain benefits.


The parent/carer can apply whether they work or not provided they or their partner receive one or more of the following benefits: Universal Credit, Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit or income-based Jobseeker's Allowance.

Speaking ahead of the roll-out, a council spokeswoman said: “We are currently planning for the roll-out of free school meals to eligible families with children in primary six and seven and who are in receipt of the Scottish Child Payment. We will advise parents and carers of the details and application process in due course.”

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