Glasgow man shook newborn baby 'out of frustration' and endangered her life
A young Glasgow man shook an eight-week-old baby to stop her crying out of "frustration", putting the newborn's life in danger.
James MacDonald, 21, injured the baby, who was in his care at his flat in Glasgow's Baillieston between January and March 2022. MacDonald seized hold of the girl's body, lifted her up and repeatedly compressed her body before he repeatedly shook her.
First offender MacDonald was found guilty today of assaulting the baby to her severe injury and danger of life.
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Co-accused Jennifer Mair, 20, had her charge of assault against the girl dropped mid-trial. Both, now of the city's Springburn, had initially lodged special defences of incrimination against each other.
Unemployed MacDonald told the court in his evidence that he watched the girl while Mair went for a bath.
He stated that the baby was "crying a lot" which made him "frustrated".
Charles Ferguson, defending, asked his client what he then did and MacDonald replied: "I put her in my hands and stood her on my knees.
"I can't use the word shook as that got me into trouble before.
"I got her in a way that was unorthodox - I tried to calm her down."
MacDonald told the court that he was "not aware" of the baby's injuries and only realised the severity of it when he was in hospital with her.
MacDonald pointed the blame at partner Mair for causing the injuries as she was the only other person looking after the girl.
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Mr Ferguson asked MacDonald how he felt when he saw the baby's injuries and he replied: "I was shocked, I didn't know how to react, usually when I am in shock my face is deadpan."
Jurors heard parts of MacDonald's police statement which said: "I'm not going to lie, I shook her twice and did it out of frustration - she was crying and wouldn't stop.
"I stood up and shook her and I got her to stop."
MacDonald claimed that he "did not use the right words" when recalling the incident to officers and that he "shoogled" her.
Prosecutor Ross Canning put to MacDonald: "You are lying about your own actions which you did because of the injuries and you are scared of the consequences of your actions."
MacDonald replied: "No."
The baby was taken to hospital after a family nurse visited MacDonald's home on March 23, 2022 and did a developmental assessment on her.
A joint minute of agreed evidence stated that the baby suffered bruising to her cheek and below her right eye.
There were further bruises to across her back. The baby and MacDonald were also found to have been suffering from Covid at the time.
Sentence was deferred pending background reports until next month by Sheriff Iain Fleming who continued MacDonald's bail meantime.
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