'Global All Stars' cash could be LIFE-CHANGING for international queens & no one is talking about it
These international queens are about to be rolling in dough!
Winning a season of any of the multitude of shows in the Drag Race universe means being catapulted to levels of fame most queens only dream of, but for the queens from around the world competing in Drag Race Global All Stars, the cash prizes are literally life altering.
On the first-ever season of Global All Stars — the newest kid on the Drag Race block — queens from different international franchise spin-offs, representing 12 different countries, are competing to win $200,000 and a spot in the International Pavilion at the Drag Race Hall of Fame.
Although the talented queens come from countries all over the world, the money handed out in this iteration of RuPaul's brainchild is all USD and not their home country's currency, which means that for many of the girls serving up lewks, their lives may be forever changed.
Yesterday, a Redditor posted a chart showing how many years of average income the giant $200,000 prize would be for each queen in their home country, and it was eye-opening!
According to the chart, for American contestant Alyssa Edwards that seemingly giant pot of money would only be just shy of two and half years' worth of average income, and it would be even less for Swiss queen Tessa Testicle, but for others, that money could potentially last a long time.
For Brazil's Miranda Lebrão, that $200,000 cash prize is worth 22.05 years of average income, and if the Philippines' Eva Le Queen only spent the equivalent of an average year's salary in her country each year, that first-place prize money would last 47.28 years.
from rupaulsdragrace
Talk about life-altering!
But even the smaller weekly prizes are huge sums of money for some, especially when you consider the much smaller cash prizes other country's version of Drag Race hands out to winners.
Drag Race Sverige's queen Vanity Vain won $10,000 in the talent show, and while that isn't a considerable amount of money, one Redditor pointed out that $10,000 USD converts to 104,388 SEK in Sweden, which is slightly more than the 100,000 SEK grand prize for her original season of the show. No wonder she looked shook!
Another reason to love Global All Stars! The queens are making USD, life changing money.
byu/dreamed2life inrupaulsdragrace
Even in the United States, winning $10,000 would allow most people to cover a few months' worth of rent, which in and of itself would be amazing, but scoring that big prize that would give you YEARS' worth of income is something people usually only dream of.
Now, we really can't wait to see who takes home the ultimate crown!