Grantham woman loses three stone ahead of 80th birthday for life changing procedure
An elderly woman lost an impressive three stone ahead of her 80th birthday so that she could undergo a life-changing medical procedure. Janet Moody, of Grantham, had her left hip replaced a few years ago, but when she asked her doctors about sorting out her right one last year, she was told unable to have the surgery due to her weight.
The 79-year-old explained: "I had my left hip done and they never mentioned it and then I went to see about getting my right one done and they couldn't do it because my BMI was too big." After discussing the difficult situation with her daughter in law, Janet decided to join Slimming World as a new club was starting in the town.
She said: "The next morning there was a new club starting in Grantham so I said I would go there and try. I went straight away and joined and it's been lovely, it's just been ever so good."
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Janet had tried a group before "years and years ago" but said although she lost weight she was not able to keep it off. However, this time around she was determined to get her new hip and had the help of her "lovely" consultant Abi Carter.
She added: "She is a very good teacher, and I think at times that makes a difference. Abi is really really good."
Janet began her weight loss journey in February 2024 and has now lost three stone. She shared that at one point she weighed around 13.5 or 14 stone, but she is now down to ten stone and looks "fantastic."
Janet will be celebrating her 80th birthday on Monday, February 3, and is in the process of scheduling her hip replacement after losing enough weight for the procedure. As one of the older members Janet is also encouraging her friends to learn from Slimming World and says it can be for everyone.
When asked about her favourite part of the process, Janet explained it was still being able to eat what she wanted, although she explained she had to measure things carefully and change habits. She no longer reaches for the butter and says she measures her sauces rather then just simply squirting them on her food.
Janet "loves" her breakfast and says it is her favourite meal, so is she is pleased she can still have a plate full of sausage, bacon, bread and eggs. Her consultant Abi added: "She is so happy that now she can have her hip replaced.
"Her mobility is so much better. Her favourite meal is breakfast, she lives alone but still makes the effort to make meals and breakfast."