Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority is officially created

Councillor Philip Jackson with Councillor Rob Waltham MBE and Councillor Martin Hill OBE
-Credit:North East Lincolnshire Council

The new Greater Lincolnshire Authority has been officially created today. The Leaders of Lincolnshire County Council and North and North East Lincolnshire unitary authorities received an official letter from the Minister of State for local government and English devolution, Jim McMahon OBE MP, on Wednesday, February 5.

This letter confirms that he has signed The Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority Regulations 2025, leading to the creation of the GLCCA and devolves functions to it. In the correspondence, the Minister adds: “I would like to thank you and your officers for your hard work in enabling us to deliver this landmark agreement for the people of Greater Lincolnshire.”

The first meeting of the new authority's board will take place in early March, with the election for a Mayor to chair the new authority going ahead as planned on Thursday, May 1. Councillor Martin Hill OBE, the Leader of Lincolnshire County Council stated: “There has been a lot of hard work to get to this point, and much more still to do.


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"I firmly believe that decisions that affect local people should be taken locally, and the benefits of devolution mean that we will be in charge of our own future in Greater Lincolnshire. These issues are really important to residents’ everyday lives, when it comes to the housing available, how we all get about the county and the jobs and training that are available.

"We’ll also be able to deal more directly with government in representing the needs of our area, and have a clearer voice to attract more investment.” The devolution deal brings with it an investment package of £720 million over 30 years with a one-off capital investment of £28.4 million to invest in priority schemes across the Greater Lincolnshire footprint.

Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, Councillor Philip Jackson, added: “Having enjoyed a local political career here that has spanned more than three decades, this is a true highlight. We now move forward with a combined county authority that can work to effect real and positive change for all our residents.


"We expect to see this new authority make a significant difference in key areas, such as business growth, skills and improving our housing, our infrastructure and public transport – and this is just the start. He added: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the creation of the GLCCA and bringing the very best deal here to benefit our communities."

Leader of North Lincolnshire Council Councillor Rob Waltham MBE, stated: "The formal creation of the combined authority marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the residents of Lincolnshire. With ministerial approval now secured, we can move forward with the real work of delivering better jobs, improved transport, and greater opportunities.

"This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to take control of our own future - ensuring that investment is directed where it will have the greatest impact and that every penny is spent delivering tangible benefits for local people.

"As someone deeply rooted in Lincolnshire, I am committed to making sure this new authority drives real, positive change - protecting our communities, growing our economy, and securing a brighter future for all." This comes after the government confirmed its support for the GLCCA in autumn last year after a two-month public consultation in early 2024.