New guidance on mobile phones in schools welcomed by Perth and Kinross Council

Perth and Kinross Council headquarters, Perth
-Credit: (Image: Perthshire Advertiser)

Perth and Kinross Council welcomes the new Scottish Government guidance on the use of mobile phones in schools.

Last week the Scottish Government said it would empower headteachers "to take the steps they see fit to limit the use of mobile phones in our schools".

The news has been welcomed by both the SNP administration and a councillor who is opposed to a ban on mobile phones in school.

Conservative Strathearn ward councillor Noah Khogali believes mobile phones are "an incredible resource" and that rather than impose a ban, schools "need to teach responsible, effective use of technology".

In February 2024 the then Conservative UK Government issued new guidance which backs headteachers in banning the use of mobile phones throughout the school day, including at break times.

In August 2024 the Scottish Government updated its non-statutory guidance on the use of mobile technology in schools placing the decision on whether or not to implement a ban into the hands of headteachers.

Conservative councillor Noah Khogali welcomes the move.

The Strathearn councillor said: "Whilst I am still personally opposed to banning phones in the classroom, I do believe it is right to let headteachers make that decision for their schools.

"Mobile phones are a fundamental part of working and personal life in the 21st century, and it's key that our schools teach our young people how to use them effectively and responsibly. Whether for research, problem-solving, or communication, they can be of incredible value in an educational setting, if properly managed.

"There are, of course, legitimate concerns about the less productive, or damaging ways that young people may be using phones, but it is important that schools teach good habits and practice, rather than pretending those problems will not continue to exist outside school just because a ban is enforced in the classroom.

Strathearn Conservative councillor Noah Khogali
Strathearn Conservative councillor Noah Khogali -Credit:Perthshire Advertiser

"Nevertheless, schools should be empowered to decide what that management of devices looks like, and it is right that teachers and headteachers will be able to do that."

Perth and Kinross Council is aware of both the challenges and opportunities mobile devices can offer.

A Perth and Kinross Council spokesperson said: "Our education staff already work closely with pupils and their families to respond to the challenges and opportunities arising from mobile devices, and so we welcome this new Scottish Government guidance."

Learning and Families Committee convener SNP councillor John Rebbeck said a policy may be put before councillors following the relevant consultation.

The Perth City North councillor said: "I welcome the Scottish Government guidance on this.

Cllr John Rebbeck convenes Perth and Kinross Council's Learning and Families Committee
Cllr John Rebbeck -Credit:Perthshire Advertiser

"We are working on a policy as a council and will do the relevant consultation with stakeholders before a proposal is brought before the Learning and Families Committee."