Guildford among worst places for dull hair and dandruff with increased risk of going bald

Someone in the shower washing their hair
-Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

A Surrey town is among the worst areas in the UK to have healthy hair, according to new research. The town is known for its hard water, which increases cases of dandruff and “coarse” strands, according to data.

Guildford has been named among the worst to live for maintaining silky, luscious hair, due to the hard water in the area. The University of Sheffield's research named not only Guildford but also Walton as among the worst places for hard water. The list also included Bristol, Bath, Hemel Hempstead and Oxford.

Hard water means there are high levels of limestone in the water source, causing limescale to build up. The easiest way to check if you have hard water is to check for white streaks on your bathroom taps and sinks and to see if there is a buildup. Or you can just check your local council’s website to find out what the water quality is like where you live.


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Limescale and hard water can have worrying effects on your tresses; it can exacerbate dermatitis, dandruff and cause breakouts of pimples on the skin due to irritation. It can even cause temporary hair loss.

If you do live in an area with hard water all is not lost as there are things you can do to reduce the damage to your beloved locks. Firstly, Dr Balwi recommends reducing contact with water and not washing your hair every single time you have a shower.

He also recommends not using tap water for styling hair, and to invest in an anti-limestone shower head. Alternatively, you could go all out and get a water softener, which extracts the limestone and replaces it with sodium.

The research into hard water’s impact on hair health highlights how environmental factors can affect our appearance and well-being.


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