'Gutted' Tan Hill Inn guest utters six word response after fourth day snowed in

Paul Wright (right) and family enjoy drinks by candle light during their enforced stay at Britain's highest pub
-Credit:© Paul Wright© SWNS

Guests and staff at the Tan Hill Inn in North Yorkshire have been left with "tender heads" after being trapped in the famous pub for what is now four days - but some are gutted because 'we have run out of sausages'.

Manager Nicole Hayes, speaking to The Chris Moyles Show on Radio X from the pub where 23 guests and six staff have been snowed in since Saturday night, spoke about what the experience has been like.

She revealed the staff and guests had been nursing their "tender heads" after "partying the night away" last night. She said: "Yeah, I’m alright. I’m the only one up – I think everyone’s got a bit of a tender head from our party last night. So, the pub’s very silent this morning!"


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There have been challenges for the group as well, with Nicole revealing they had to dig out some people staying in a pod outside the pub after snow drifted over their door overnight. However, Nicole said it had been fun, adding "yesterday was amazing".

Nicole added: "We had a chilled day; we have a little movie day. We had our snowball fight. We all came in, warmed back up, had a movie day, watched The Goonies, had some tea. People went and got showered and bathed and stuff, came back down, and then we just party the night away!"

One tourist trapped up there, Paul Wright, 52 and from Australia, shared similar sentiments, saying: "We are fine but we have run out of sausages." The group have also run out of Malbec wine but Nicole said they are fine for supplies for now, as the pub always keeps a months-worth on site.

The Tan Hill Inn manager, Nicole, shows Australian guest Paul Wright how to build a snowman at Britain's highest pub
The Tan Hill Inn manager, Nicole, shows Australian guest Paul Wright how to build a snowman at Britain's highest pub -Credit:© The Tan Hill Inn© SWNS

Paul added: "We’ve run out of sausages, it’s atrocious. No pork sausages, no more English breakfast. Gutted.


"This morning I just had to have an omelette, I could have had the bacon but I don’t like your bacon – I think it’s horrible, you guys don’t smoke your bacon.

"A good English pork sausage, there’s nothing better. Naomi and I being first-born Australians, our families are used to having pork sausages and stuff for our breakfast.

"We call them chipolatas, not having them for your breakfast is a bit weird."

Nicole Hayes
Nicole Hayes -Credit:The Chris Moyles Show on Radio X

Owner Andrew Hields said: "It’s the wind that causes the problem when it blows drifts onto the road. We are very exposed and it snows a lot in the winter months so we would be out of business if we shut the inn every time snow was forecast.

"We have had bad weather in the past when there is no warning, we have had weather warnings and it’s been fine at Tan Hill. Often, when the main A66 is closed, traffic diverts and stops at Tan Hill.


"Sometimes people do travel when it is unwise to do so and it might not be the norm or the done thing by some people’s standards but we offer hospitality in the oldest sense of the word and cannot turn them away in the teeth of the weather.

"Tan Hill has done that for centuries and we are not stopping now."

Group of pub goers snowed-in at Britain's highest pub shovel snow on the fourth day at the Tan Hill Inn
Group of pub goers snowed-in at Britain's highest pub shovel snow on the fourth day at the Tan Hill Inn -Credit:© Tan Hill Inn© SWNS

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