Han Solo prequel will reveal character's real name

In a galaxy where people are sadly forced to call themselves names like Sheev Palpatine and (yes) URoRRuR'R'R, Han Solo seemed to have a pretty good deal.

You can't get much cooler than a consummate loner and rogue with a last name like Solo, which almost doesn't make it a surprise to learn that it wasn't his original birth name, as now revealed by Disney CEO Bob Iger.

Speaking at the University of Southern California, Iger briefly discussed the upcoming Han Solo prequel, which sees Hail, Caesar!'s Alden Ehrenreich step into the role, directed by 21 Jump Street's Phil Lord and Chris Miller.

Iger revealed that the film, "picks up with Han Solo when he was 18 years old and takes him through when he was 24. There are a few significant things that happen in Han Solo’s life, like acquiring a certain vehicle and meeting a certain Wookiee that will happen in this film. But you will also discover how he got his name."

We already know that Iger is, of course, referencing Solo's acquirement of the Millennium Falcon - winning it in a game of sabacc against Lando Calrissian, set to be played by Donald Glover - and that the film will also explain how he become such steadfast friends with Chewbacca.

What's new, however, is the idea that he was ever called anything other than Han Solo, and, knowing Lord and Miller's involvement is ultimately going to spin the film into something of a comedic jaunt, you can guarantee whatever his birth name was - it's something deeply embarrassing. Yes, more embarrassing than URoRRuR'R'R, even.

The Han Solo film is expected to land 25 May 2018.